Folio Design Studio
Daily Actions: How do we Create a Culture of Care?
Virtual event || Many schedule options || 90 minutes
Folio is a convener and connector of leaders. We believe that together we can design and solve for the challenging moments we face.
Challenge: A key reason faculty are leaving now is to get away from an overwhelming, lack of hope kind of state that has become the reality of pandemic teaching. If faculty retention, engagement or well being is on your mind, and how to lead from barely surviving to thriving. then this community is for you.
Design Studios are collaborative problem solving communities that yield fresh approaches to a significant current challenge. Together we will think big and small to understand and design key actions to a better state.
What you will get out of this experience:
new ways of thinking about the challenge
being part of a team collaborating and creating together
new connections to fuel your next steps
a process you might want to try with your colleagues
a mini playbook to guide your daily leadership actions
Cost: $250